CentralPlanner Hilfe
All Categories Contacts How can I export bookings and contacts?

How can I export bookings and contacts?

You can export both your bookings and your contacts (guest data). Please note that you need owner or admin rights in your CentralPlanner account in order to export all data collectively.

Export reservations (in Excel format .xls)

Exporting reservations for one day

You will find the export link at the top right of the day view.


Export reservations for one month

  1. Click on Bookings at the top of the blue bar

  2. Select the calendar icon in the date bar and enlarge it using the two arrows

  3. At the top right of the monthly view you will find the export link



Export all reservations

  1. Click on the cogwheel at the top right and select Account settings

  2. In the sentence below the menu items, click the all bookings link



Exporting contacts (guest data)

  1. Click on the Contacts tab

  2. Use the link Export contacts: all contacts

Alternatively, you can also use the link in the account settings (see above)


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