If you have already collected contact data with another system or for a newsletter distribution list, you can also import this into CentralPlanner. Ideally, this works with an Excel file in .xls format (not .xlsx). The columns should contain headings.
To import the file, first go to the Contacts tab and then Import your data from Excel.
Use the gray "Select file" button to connect the file on your computer. Then click Start import.
In the next step, you can correct the column names if they do not correspond exactly to CentralPlanner's field names and could not be assigned correctly. As soon as you have finished, click Start import. We will import the file in the background, which may take a few minutes depending on the size.
If an import did not go as planned, you can undo it for up to 48 hours. To do this, go back to Import your data from Excel, then click on the Import history button at the top right and then on Undo next to the desired import.