Once you have created a booking, you can of course edit it again. If, for example, a guest calls and wants to come a little later, you can simply move the booking by clicking on it, holding down the left mouse button and dragging it to where you want it to be.
In the daily overview, there is a pencil icon behind every booking entered. Select this and decide what you want to do. There are various options depending on the status of the booking:
Mark contact as "arrived"
Mark contact as "no longer present"
Mark conact as "did not show up"
Edit booking
Delete booking
If you want to change more than just the time, click on the pencil icon on the right-hand side. If the booking is in the future, you have two options: you can either edit or delete it. If you click on Delete booking, you will be asked once more if you are sure, and then you can confirm by clicking "OK". The guest's contact information and their previous bookings will not be deleted. Additionally, the deleted booking will be displayed at the bottom of the page, where you can restore it with just one click.
If you click on Edit booking, you can once again adjust the number of guests, the planned duration of stay, the room, and the table. You can also add a new note. These changes will be documented in the booking history and on the status page of your account. You also have the option to send the updated information to the guest by checking a box.
For bookings in the past, the options look slightly different than for future bookings. Here, you also have the option to set the booking status. Did the guest show up or not?
If the guest arrived, click the corresponding button, and you will see a green "present" icon appear.
When the guest leaves your venue again, you can change the status to no longer present.
In case the guest didn’t show up, click "no-show." In this case, they will receive what’s known as a "No-Show Tag", which serves as a reminder for you when they make future booking requests. This allows you to mention the no-show incident to the guest or even decline their request altogether. If someone who was previously marked as a no-show makes a booking via the online form, their booking must be manually confirmed by you — even if you normally use fully automated table assignment. Guests who have missed a booking lose the right to fully automated bookings in the future, unless you manually remove the No-Show Tag from their CentralPlanner contact profile. However, removing the tag does not change the guest's overall no-show rate. This rate stays visible for each of your contacts so you can always see how many times they have already skipped a booking.